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New Mother Back with Her Son
Following DVT
Rina Michelle, 28, a new mother who enjoys dancing and playing sports in her hometown of Pomona, CA is settling into her daily routine, balancing time with her family, work, and activities. Always on the go these days, she did not think much about the pain she began to experience in her back a few months after the birth of her son.

Soon after the pain in her back developed, Rina recalls feeling a pop in her thigh with moderate pain that became more severe when the pain moved to the front of her leg. She developed a low-grade fever the following day and thought her symptoms might be related to COVID-19, however a rapid test showed a negative result. She was concerned with the severity of the pain and was having trouble walking.

Rina’s sister, Rica, convinced her that she should go to the emergency department. Rina went to the emergency department on a Friday and was told she had a kidney infection from a UTI. She was sent home that day. On Monday, she could barely lift her leg and struggled to walk. Rina returned to the emergency department where she was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

“I was experiencing severe leg pain that made it difficult for me to walk or put any weight on my leg. The diagnosis was scary because I know how serious blood clots can be. I was anxious about being admitted to the hospital for deep vein thrombosis.” said Rina about her experience. Dr. Nicholas Saguan, vascular surgeon, consulted Rina on her treatment options.

“I was nervous about opting for the new procedure with ClotTriever. Dr. Saguan and his staff did a wonderful job keeping me calm and comfortable during the procedure. I remember the pain going away as soon as the blood clots were removed.” said Rina about the ClotTriever procedure. Within two days, Rina could put her full body weight on her leg without any pain. “If you feel pain and it is getting worse, get it checked out. And if you have the option for ClotTriever– do it! I’ve had a pretty great – and quick recovery.” said Rina.
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Dr. Nicholas Saguan’s Testimonial
“Rina was very reluctant to spend time in the ICU and wanted to get home to her new baby as soon as she could. I recommended ClotTriever to treat her DVT in a single-session without the need for thrombolytics and get her home to her baby as soon as possible”