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Intraprocedural device or procedure-related AEs, including clinical deterioration and device-related pulmonary vascular or cardiac injuries
Secondary Endpoints and Clinical Outcomes
Individual components of the primary endpoint
Major access site complications
All-cause mortality through 30 days
Device-related serious adverse events through 30 days
Hemodynamic improvements during the procedure
Reduction in RV/LV ratio from baseline to 30 days and 6 months
6-month clinical outcomes, including echocardiographic RV function assessment, dyspnea score, 6-minute walk test distance, quality of life score, and CTEPH/CTED diagnoses
Key Eligibility Criteria
Clinical signs and symptoms consistent with acute PE
Echo, CTPA or pulmonary angiographic evidence of proximal filling defect in at least one main or lobar pulmonary artery
Intermediate- or high-risk PE
Duration of Patient Follow-up
Patients are assessed at 48-hours, 30-days, and 6-months
for the treatment of pulmonary embolism with the FlowTriever system
Immediate Hemodynamic Improvement
800 patients enrolled
All-cause mortality at 30-day follow-up1 N=734
800 Patients Enrolled1
Intermediate-High or High-Risk Patients
Lytics Contraindication
Concomitant DVT
100mL median EBL
with the FlowSaver Blood Return System
Immediate hemodynamic improvement1
Mean PAP
Cardiac Index
Heart Rate
Mean PAP (mm Hg)
Mean Cardiac Index (L/min/m2)
Mean Heart Rate (bpm)
Mean TPVR (mmHg min/L)
23% reduction
19% increase
12 bpm decrease
20% reduction
pre-procedure N=779
post-procedure N=767
pre-procedure N=176*
post-procedure N=159
pre-procedure N=798
post-procedure N=779
pre-procedure N=683
post-procedure N=621
*In patients with cardiac index <2.0 L/min/m2 at baseline
Excellent Safety Results1
Major Adverse Events (MAEs) at 48 hours
Device Related Deaths at 30-day follow-up
All-Cause Mortality at 30-day follow-up
Long-term Patient Benefits at 6 months2
Normal RV Function
No or Mild Dyspnea
6-Minute Walk Test
% of patients with normal RV function
% of patients with no or mild dyspnea
Median distance (m)
Baseline n=623
48 hrs n=215
30 days n=338
6 months n=247
Baseline n=475
48 hrs n=392
30 days n=396
6 months n=343
48 hrs n=75
30 days n=308
6 months n=243
*P<0.0001 compared to baseline
*P<0.0001 compared to baseline
P<0.001 trend test over time
Read the Peer-Reviewed FLASH Results
Acute Outcomes from the FLASH Registry published in EuroIntervention
See Results
6-month Outcomes from the FLASH Registry published in JSCAI
See Results
Prevalence and Predictors of Cardiogenic Shock in Intermediate-Risk PE published in JACC:CI
See Results
Outcomes from the high-risk PE cohort of the FLASH Registry published in JSCAI
See Results
Interim outcomes from the FLASH Registry published in CCI
See Results
1. Toma C et al. Acute Outcomes for the Full US Cohort of the FLASH Mechanical Thrombectomy Registry in Pulmonary Embolism. EuroIntervention 2023;18:1201-1212.
2. Khandhar S et al. Longer-Term Outcomes Following Mechanical Thrombectomy for Intermediate- and High-risk Pulmonary Embolism: 6-Month FLASH Registry Results. JSCAI 2023;2(4):101000.
Indications for Use:
The FlowTriever retrieval/aspiration system is indicated for (1) the non-surgical removal of emboli and thrombi from blood vessels and (2) injection, infusion and/or aspiration of contrast media and other fluids into or from a blood vessel. The FlowTriever retrieval/aspiration system is intended for use in the peripheral vasculature and for the treatment of pulmonary embolism. Triever catheters are indicated for (1) the non-surgical removal of emboli and thrombi from blood vessels and (2) injection, infusion and/or aspiration of contrast media and other fluids into or from a blood vessel. Triever catheters are intended for use in the peripheral vasculature and for the treatment of pulmonary embolism. The Triever catheters are also intended for use in treating clot in transit in the right atrium but not in conjunction with the FlowTriever catheters. The FlowSaver blood return system is used with Triever catheters for autologous blood transfusion.
Refer to IFU for complete Indications for Use, contraindications, warnings, and precautions.
Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale distribution and use by or on order of a physician.
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