Disclaimers:The coding and payment information contained is publicly available from third-party sources, and Inari Medical is providing it for general informational purposes only. The procedure codes are not an all-inclusive list, and it is not intended, and does not constitute legal, reimbursement, or business advice. The information is not a promise or guarantee by Inari Medical regarding actual payment rates that providers will receive for any given service. Similarly, all CPT®, ICD-10 and HCPCS codes are supplied for informational purposes only and represent no statement or guarantee by Inari Medical that these codes are appropriate to specific circumstances or products or services provided to an individual patient or that the services will be covered. It is the health care provider’s responsibility to accurately report the patient diagnosis, the services provided, and the procedures performed, consistent with the payer’s guidelines. Likewise, site of service decisions (e.g., inpatient or outpatient) are based on medical necessity and should be determined by the physician in consultation with the patient and consistent with any payer guidelines or licensing provisions. If providers have questions about coverage, coding, or payment, providers should consult the specific payers.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website is available at
https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare.html. Reimbursement is dynamic – payment rates change. New codes are added and existing codes may be revised. Coverage policies also change.
The information contained in this document is current as of the date of publication. CPT
® Copyright 2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.