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Important Notice
This Inari Medical website and all product offerings listed are tailored for the United States only. Please be aware that product availability and regulatory claims may vary in other regions we serve, including Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), Asia-Pacific (APAC), and Latin America/Canada. Inari Medical is currently developing separate websites for our products tailored to these other global and regional markets.
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Privacy Policy
Categories Examples
Individual Identifiers Contact information, such as first and last name, postal address, email address, phone number, and social media handle.
Professional Information Professional information, such as your affiliated organization’s name and location, and your job title, email, phone number, and other details we may collect about your organization or profession.
Commercial Information
  • Transaction history, such as records of devices, products, or services purchased from us, obtained, or considered.
  • Payment information, such as credit or debit card numbers used for payments.
  • Preferences, such as any marketing or communications preferences.
  • Survey responses, such as the information you provide in response to our surveys or questionnaires.
  • Communications, such as the information associated with your requests or inquiries, and any feedback you provide when you communicate with us.
Audio, Electronic, Visual,
or Similar Information
Customer service call recordings, recorded by us and our service provider for training and quality assurance purposes
Internet or Network Activity
  • Online activity information, such as the website you visited before browsing to the Site, pages or screens you viewed, how long you spent on a page or screen, navigation paths between pages or screens, information about your activity on a page or screen, access times, and duration of access.
  • Device information, such as your computer or mobile device operating system type and version number, wireless carrier, manufacturer and model, browser type, screen resolution, IP address, unique identifiers, and general location information such as city, state, or geographic area.
Inferences Drawn from
Personal Information
Profiles reflecting preferences, characteristics, and behavior.
Processing Purpose
(as described above in the “Use of Personal
Information” section)
Lawful Basis
• Behavioral-Based Advertising.
• Direct Marketing.
  • Processing is based on your consent. Where we rely on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it anytime in the manner indicated on the Site.
  • Where such consent is not required by applicable law, we process your personal information for this purpose based on our legitimate interests in promoting our business and providing you with tailored, relevant content.
• With Your Consent. Processing is based on your consent. Where we rely on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it anytime in the manner indicated on the Site.
• To Provide the Services. Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract. You are subject to a contract with us and we need to use your personal information to provide devices, products, and services. Where we cannot process your personal information as required to operate the Services on the grounds of contractual necessity, we process your personal information for this purpose based on our legitimate interests as further described in this Privacy Policy.
• To Secure the Site.
• To Comply with Regulatory
• As required by Law.
Processing is necessary to comply with our legal obligations.
• Research and Development
    of our Services.
Processing activities constitute our legitimate interests. We consider and balance the potential impact on your rights before we process your personal information for our legitimate interests. We do not use your personal information for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you (unless we have your consent or we are otherwise required to perform a contract or by law).